• Nursing Team

    Full-time nurses are assigned to each building. School nurses assist in developing school health programs, obtain health histories, maintain student health records, administer doctor-prescribed medications, develop health care plans, participate in the special education eligibility process, provide first aid, and monitor hearing and vision screenings.

    Each school has a nurse during the school day. The nurse is trained in first aid and CPR and does not diagnose or give treatment for anything but first aid needs. Injuries that occur at home or outside of school will NOT be treated at school. However, students will be assessed and parents may be contacted for more information. If your child appears to be ill before school, please consider keeping him or her at home. Children with a temperature above 99.9 degrees, an undiagnosed rash, or who have vomited within 24 hours should not come to school.

    District nurses supervise the building nurses and usually travel to more than one school.


    If a student requires medication (over-the-counter or prescription) on a daily basis during school hours, a Medication Authorization Form must be completed by the prescribing physician and submitted to the health office at the school. 

    Medications taken on a short-term basis (i.e. antibiotics) should be administered at home by a parent as much as possible. Do NOT send ‘over-the-counter’ medications such as cough drops, Advil, Tylenol, antacids, etc. with your child.

  • Health Requirements

    All current District 33 students and all new kindergarten students are required to submit proper evidence of a completed physical examination and the documentation of immunizations. Students will not be allowed to attend school without such evidence on file at the school.

    For the protection of our students, and to comply with state law, all students must have current physical examinations and up-to-date immunizations by October 15 of the school year, and/or at certain grade levels. If enrolling from another school, please be sure to bring a copy of your child's physical exam and immunizations. If you are eligible for McKinney Vento support, notify the building administration.


  • Physical Examinations

  • Dental and Vision Examinations

  • Vision and Hearing Screenings