• Special Education

    The Department of Student Services is responsible for a variety of programs and services. Supporting the unique needs of each individual learner to ensure success at school is the primary focus of this department.

  • Special Education in West Chicago

    Special education questions can be directed to the building principal or school psychologist. Special education placement is determined by a multidisciplinary team, which considers the student's past and present performance, the result of specific tests or progress monitoring and the findings of specific interviews or reports. Parents are included in these team meetings. District 33 uses a Multi Tiered Systems of Supports (MTSS) to address students needs based on data. The district also uses MTSS when determining eligibility for special education services which are provided by a special education teacher. also known as a facilitator.

    In addition, related services, including Speech and Language Therapy and Social Work, are also provided. We work closely with SASED, which provides Occupational and Physical Therapy, vision, and hearing services. We are fortunate to have two behavior specialists in the district who support our students with more intensive behavioral needs. 

    We have several self-contained classrooms across the district from Preschool through 8th grade. In addition, some students have needs that cannot be met in these settings, and we work with schools across the area that have specialized programs to meet students' more intensive needs. 

      Special Education Services

      • Psychological Services: School psychologists provide diagnostic evaluations of individual students, provide professional development training programs, counsel students and consult with teachers, parents, and administrators.

        Social Work Services: Social workers are employed to work as liaisons between the school, the home, and outside support agencies. Social workers are also available to consult with parents and teachers.

        Speech and Language Therapy: Speech and language pathologists are available for students, preschool through grade 8, whose speech and/or language interferes with communication and learning. Therapy services are provided in the general education classroom and in separate individual or small group setting.


      • Prioritization of Urgency of Need for Services (PUNS)


        • PUNS is a statewide database that records information about individuals with developmental disabilities who are planning for or seeking services
        • The State uses the data to select individuals for services as funding becomes available, to develop proposals and materials for budgeting, and to plan for future needs


        • To assist with identifying service needs and wants
        • Register individuals on the PUNS


        • Children, teens, and adults with developmental disabilities who need or want services or supports

        If you have questions about PUNS, please contact Samantha Battaglia, Asst. Director of Student Services, at battaglias@wego33.org

      Homeschooled Students with Special Needs

      • Parents who choose to home school their student with special needs have resources available. Please contact Sherri Massa, massas@wego33.org,  to discuss service options.
        Each spring there is a meeting to discuss the district's plans for providing special education services to students with disabilities who are home schooled. If you would like to be invited, please contact Sherri Massa, massas@wego33.org