- West Chicago Elementary School District 33
- Identification of Eligible Students
Identification of Eligible Students
The enrollment of any new student to West Chicago Elementary School includes a Home Language Survey. Potential Emergent Bilinguals (EBs) must be screened and placed in EB services if they qualify. Additionally, all EBs must take the annual English language proficiency assessment (ACCESS). District 33 makes annual placement determinations for EBs based on the ACCESS scores.
Home Language Survey
Illinois School Code, Part 228.15 under state-mandated requires that schools, when enrolling new students, administer a Home Language Survey (HLS- Form A) to identify students who may need services. If a parent responds “yes” to Is a language other than English spoken in your home? and/or Does your child speak a language other than English? Then the child must be tested for English proficiency. Families are also asked to complete the home language screener. The district will only test students if one of the two questions on HLS is answered with a “yes.” When questions of ambiguity arise, the ESL teacher will review the home language screener with parents to determine if testing is appropriate.
Language Proficiency Assessment
Illinois School Code, Part 228.15 under state-mandated requires that schools, when enrolling new students, administer a Home Language Survey (HLS- Form A) to identify students who may need services. If a parent responds “yes” to Is a language other than English spoken in your home? and/or Does your child speak a language other than English? Then the child must be tested for English proficiency. Families are also asked to complete the home language screener. The district will only test students if one of the two questions on HLS is answered with a “yes.” When questions of ambiguity arise, the ESL teacher will review the home language screener with parents to determine if testing is appropriate.
Assessments in Preschool, Kindergarten and Grades 1-8
Prescribed Screening Instrument: The Pre-IPT Oral English Language Proficiency Test is the recommended screener for children entering Preschool, ages 3 to kindergarten enrollment age as defined in Section 10-20.12 of the School Code [105 ILCS 5/10-20.12] to determine students' English language proficiency and to identify students eligible to receive language services.
Using Scores to Determine Placement
District 33 uses scores to determine placement using the guidance in the pre-IPT Oral assessment for appropriate placement. All potential English Language Learners (ELLs) are screened with the Pre-IPT Oral that qualifies for English Language Learner (ELL) services need to be rescreened with the WIDA MODEL upon entering Kindergarten.Students scoring below a proficiency of 5.0 will require language services. The ESL teacher will fill out the appropriate paperwork to notify the parent/guardian of recommended placement and screener scores.
Kindergarten & 1st Grade (August - December)
Prescribed Screening Instrument: Measure of Developing English Language (MODEL)
The WIDA MODEL must be used as a screener for students entering kindergarten and the first semester of first grade to determine students' English language proficiency and to identify students eligible to receive English Language Learner (ELL) services. NOTE: All students identified through the Home Language Survey, including students previously screened when enrolled in preschool, must be screened using the MODEL K prior to entering kindergarten.
Using Scores to Determine Placement
D33 uses the scores to determine the recommended placement of any child entering the first semester of kindergarten who is administered the MODEL and who scores below a 5.0 oral language composite (speaking/listening) English proficiency level. Such a student is considered an English Language Learner (ELL) and is eligible for ELL services. A student entering the first semester of kindergarten who achieves a 5.0 or above in the oral language composite (speaking/listening) English proficiency level is considered English proficient.Students scoring below the proficiency of 5.0 will require language services. The ESL teacher will fill out the appropriate paperwork to notify the parent/guardian of recommended placement and screener scores.
Grades 1 (January-June) - 8th Grade
Prescribed Screening Instrument: The WIDA MODEL is used in screening in kindergarten and the first semester of 1st grade. The WIDA Screener (online) for grades 1-8. (Entering first grade in second semester will be screened with WIDA MODEL). The online system will only score the listening and reading domains. Writing and speaking will be scored by the ESL teacher.
Using Scores to Determine Placement
As of January 1, 2014, any child entering the first semester of kindergarten who is administered the MODEL and who scores below a 5.0 oral language composite (speaking/listening) proficiency level is considered an English Language Learner (ELL) and is eligible for ELL services. A student entering the first semester of kindergarten who achieves a 5.0 or above in the oral language composite (speaking/listening) proficiency level is considered English proficient.Students scoring below the proficiency of 5.0 will require language services. The ESL teacher will fill out the appropriate paperwork to notify the parent/guardian of recommended placement and screener scores.
Eligibility for Language Services and Placement
Students are screened when a language other than English is indicated on the Home Language Survey using the Pre-IPT assessment. In addition to the Pre-IPT test, the student is also screened using a criterion-based expressive vocabulary test developed by the preschool staff.
Kindergarten-5th Grade
Testing of preschool students moving on to kindergarten usually takes place April-June of the child’s last year in preschool. Parents will be notified of results and recommended placement during kindergarten registration or via mail. Students entering first through fifth grade will be assessed using the WIDA Screener Online.
Using Scores to Determine Placement Elementary
As of January 1, 2010, any child entering the first semester of kindergarten who is administered the MODEL and who scores below a 5.0 composite oral (listening/speaking) proficiency level is considered LEP and is eligible for language services. A student entering the first semester of kindergarten who achieves a 5.0 or higher is considered English proficient.
Middle School Eligibility and Placement Description
Upon registering at D33, and indicating ‘yes’ a language other than English is spoken at home on the HLS, students will be administered the language screener, WIDA Screener. If students do not reach proficiency of an overall composite score of 4.8, and Spanish was indicated in the HLS, students will be placed in the dual language program in the middle school. New students who have indicated Spanish on the HLS, reached proficiency level of 5.0 on the screener will be offered the dual language program and the general education program with no ESL services. The ESL teacher will communicate to the family and provide the options for families to select the best option for their child.
Using Scores to Determine Placement in Leman Middle School
Proficiency Score 1.0-2.6
Students new to the country that speak languages other than Spanish will be scheduled in an Explore class with an experienced ESL teacher who provides daily opportunities to expand linguistic skills in English. The ESL teacher may offer native language support as appropriate. Students learn how to navigate the school, learn social language and are given the tools needed to be successful in school within a five week period. Students will learn about other Explore classes during the five-week period and be provided the support necessary to be successful.
Spanish speaking students will be placed on the Dual Language Program with native language instruction in Language Arts and Social Studies. All students within the 1.0-2.6 proficiency level will be assigned to classrooms with ESL endorsed teachers in Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and/or Math providing scaffolded instruction on a daily basis. ALL students receive PE and health class.
Proficiency Score 2.7-4.7
Students within the scores of 2.7-4.7 receive instruction within the general education team and provided with scaffolded ESL support from a teacher with an ESL endorsement. Co- teachers can use this opportunity to consult the ESL licensed teacher for any questions and concerns on how to best support students at this level, including scaffolded instruction in Language Arts, Social Studies, Science and/or Math. There are 3-5 periods in which the students are supported by an ESL teacher providing scaffolded instruction on a daily basis.
Recommended Placement
- Results of screener and recommended placement will be shared with parents.
- If student scores below the 4.8/5.0 criteria will be placed in a dual language classroom when Spanish is indicated on the HLS.
- Students that speak a home language other than Spanish and scores below the 4.8/5.0 criteria, will be placed in the general education classroom with a teacher with an ESL endorsement.
Refusal Process and Documentation
Students scoring below proficiency of 4.8/ 5.0 will require language services. The ESL teacher will fill out appropriate paperwork to notify parent/guardian of recommended placement and screener scores. If a parent refuses language services for their child a letter from the parent must be written stating the reason for refusing language services in the language they know best, signed and filed. Refusal letters must be updated and submitted at the beginning of every school year. The best learning outcome for the student is discussed in partnership with parent and school personnel.
Parent has the right to refuse placement
- A refusal letter from the parent will be kept in the bilingual folder for the duration of their educational career at West Chicago School District 33 and updated every school year. Parents must write a letter refusing language services indicating student name, grade, date, reason and parent signature.
- A copy of the letter is sent to the Department for Teaching and Learning secretary and copy is placed in the student’s cumulative file
- Inform parents the student will be evaluated on a yearly basis until the student meets the State's exit criteria 4.8 Composite (overall) score.